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Showing results 1 to 20 of 170
  • item.jpg
  • Recording, acoustical

  • Authors: A - Teens (2018)

  • Purpose of this digital item record is to demonstrate how Add-on module (Audio streaming) works

  • DSPACE.PDF.jpg
  • pdf

  • Authors: Công ty D&L (2018)

  • Purpose of this digital item record is to demonstrate how Add-on module (document viewer) works

  • KOHA 2.jpg.jpg
  • Image

  • Authors: Công ty D&L (2018)

  • Purpose of this digital item record is to demonstrate how Add-on module (Image viewer) works

  • item.jpg
  • Video


  • Purpose of this digital item record is to demonstrate how Add-on module (Video streaming) works

  • Encore-Brochure EN.PDF.jpg
  • pdf

  • Authors: Innovative (2018)

  • Demo access permission for patron. Member and public user can view metadata. Only VIP can view/download document.

  • Module - An introduction to DSpace (slides).pdf.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-13T12:08:44Z)

  • This module will introduce DSpace, its history, and the DSpace Foundation. The module will introduce what DSpace is and what it can be used for. It will then describe the development of DSpace over time, and talk about the DSpace Foundation which now oversees the running of DSpace. The open source development model used by DSpace will also be described.

  • Module - An introduction to metadata in DSpace (slides).pdf.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-13T12:17:28Z)

  • This module will introduce the concept of metadata, and why it is used. Following that, the metadata support in DSpace will be explained along with how metadata is encoded and stored. The metadata registry which holds the metadata will be shown, and the out-of-the-box metadata schema will be examined. Finally the module will show how to add a new metadata schema, along with a practical exercise to add a new term to the Dublin core scheme included with DSpace.

  • Module - An introduction to users and groups (slides).pdf.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-13T12:43:53Z)

  • This module will introduce the concept of users and groups in DSpace. Users require accounts to be able to log in and submit or edit items. Logical collections of users can be placed in groups to make administration easier. Some users have additional rights that let them administrate the software. These concepts are explained in this module. Users and groups are explained more in-depth in the module 'User management and authentication'.

  • Module - Configuring LDAP (slides).pdf.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris; Tuan, Vu (2008-08-13T12:52:48Z)

  • This module follows on from the module 'User management and authentication options' which introduced the concepts of authentication and LDAP. This module will cover the process of configuring DSpace to authenticate users with an LDAP server. Troubleshooting tools will be introduced to assist with the integration.

  • item.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-13T11:36:06Z)

  • These templates can be used if you wish to create your own modules to be part of the DSpace Course. There is a PowerPoint slide template and a Word Document workbook template. The course notes often refer to a set of local instructions which need to be customised for each course. A local instructions template is also included here.

  • Module - DSpace Configuration (slides).pdf.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-13T13:00:54Z)

  • This module describes how to configure some of the most common features used in DSpace. The module looks in detail at how the submission interface can be modified from the out of the box setup to suit an institutions needs. The module then continues with a look at email notifications & subscriptions, how to configure RSS feeds and concludes with an overview of the UNIX cron job and its use in DSpace.

  • Module - How To Get Help (slides).pdf.jpg
  • -

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-13)

  • This module provides information on how to get help and support with all aspects of the DSpace software. Upon completing this module, you will understand the help that is available from channels such as: the DSpace community, websites, Internet Relay Chat or DSpace system documentation. The module will also look at how errors should be reported to enable quick and efficient responses from the DSpace community.

  • Module - Identifiers (slides).pdf.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-13T14:34:33Z)

  • Persistent Identifiers are an integral feature of repositories to assist with resource identification and preservation. This module will look at what persistent identifiers are, how they work and the benefits to using them in a DSpace repository. The module will then explore handles, the identifiers used for persistence in DSpace. The module will conclude with a look at how to apply for and configure a handle.

  • Module - Import and Export (slides).pdf.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-14T14:13:55Z)

  • This module introduces the import and export functionality in DSpace, specifically the batch import and export scripts.

Browsing by Title

Jump to: 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
or enter first few letters:  
Showing results 1 to 20 of 170
  • item.jpg
  • Recording, acoustical

  • Authors: A - Teens (2018)

  • Purpose of this digital item record is to demonstrate how Add-on module (Audio streaming) works

  • DSPACE.PDF.jpg
  • pdf

  • Authors: Công ty D&L (2018)

  • Purpose of this digital item record is to demonstrate how Add-on module (document viewer) works

  • KOHA 2.jpg.jpg
  • Image

  • Authors: Công ty D&L (2018)

  • Purpose of this digital item record is to demonstrate how Add-on module (Image viewer) works

  • item.jpg
  • Video


  • Purpose of this digital item record is to demonstrate how Add-on module (Video streaming) works

  • Encore-Brochure EN.PDF.jpg
  • pdf

  • Authors: Innovative (2018)

  • Demo access permission for patron. Member and public user can view metadata. Only VIP can view/download document.

  • Module - An introduction to DSpace (slides).pdf.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-13T12:08:44Z)

  • This module will introduce DSpace, its history, and the DSpace Foundation. The module will introduce what DSpace is and what it can be used for. It will then describe the development of DSpace over time, and talk about the DSpace Foundation which now oversees the running of DSpace. The open source development model used by DSpace will also be described.

  • Module - An introduction to metadata in DSpace (slides).pdf.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-13T12:17:28Z)

  • This module will introduce the concept of metadata, and why it is used. Following that, the metadata support in DSpace will be explained along with how metadata is encoded and stored. The metadata registry which holds the metadata will be shown, and the out-of-the-box metadata schema will be examined. Finally the module will show how to add a new metadata schema, along with a practical exercise to add a new term to the Dublin core scheme included with DSpace.

  • Module - An introduction to users and groups (slides).pdf.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-13T12:43:53Z)

  • This module will introduce the concept of users and groups in DSpace. Users require accounts to be able to log in and submit or edit items. Logical collections of users can be placed in groups to make administration easier. Some users have additional rights that let them administrate the software. These concepts are explained in this module. Users and groups are explained more in-depth in the module 'User management and authentication'.

  • Module - Configuring LDAP (slides).pdf.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris; Tuan, Vu (2008-08-13T12:52:48Z)

  • This module follows on from the module 'User management and authentication options' which introduced the concepts of authentication and LDAP. This module will cover the process of configuring DSpace to authenticate users with an LDAP server. Troubleshooting tools will be introduced to assist with the integration.

  • item.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-13T11:36:06Z)

  • These templates can be used if you wish to create your own modules to be part of the DSpace Course. There is a PowerPoint slide template and a Word Document workbook template. The course notes often refer to a set of local instructions which need to be customised for each course. A local instructions template is also included here.

  • Module - DSpace Configuration (slides).pdf.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-13T13:00:54Z)

  • This module describes how to configure some of the most common features used in DSpace. The module looks in detail at how the submission interface can be modified from the out of the box setup to suit an institutions needs. The module then continues with a look at email notifications & subscriptions, how to configure RSS feeds and concludes with an overview of the UNIX cron job and its use in DSpace.

  • Module - How To Get Help (slides).pdf.jpg
  • -

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-13)

  • This module provides information on how to get help and support with all aspects of the DSpace software. Upon completing this module, you will understand the help that is available from channels such as: the DSpace community, websites, Internet Relay Chat or DSpace system documentation. The module will also look at how errors should be reported to enable quick and efficient responses from the DSpace community.

  • Module - Identifiers (slides).pdf.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-13T14:34:33Z)

  • Persistent Identifiers are an integral feature of repositories to assist with resource identification and preservation. This module will look at what persistent identifiers are, how they work and the benefits to using them in a DSpace repository. The module will then explore handles, the identifiers used for persistence in DSpace. The module will conclude with a look at how to apply for and configure a handle.

  • Module - Import and Export (slides).pdf.jpg
  • Text

  • Authors: Lewis, Stuart; Yates, Chris (2008-08-14T14:13:55Z)

  • This module introduces the import and export functionality in DSpace, specifically the batch import and export scripts.