Communities and Collections are used within DSpace to provide the repository with an easily navigable structure often representing an institutions organizational makeup. This module will begin by describing what both a community and collection are and how they relate to each other. The module will then look at example structures that are often used within DSpace repositories, finally concluding with a practical exercise on creating a sample repository structure. This module will make reference to the repository structure, but does not cover aspects such as items or metadata. Further information on items can be found in the module 'An introduction to Items in DSpace'. Further information on metadata can be found in the module 'An introduction to metadata in DSpace'.
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Communities and Collections are used within DSpace to provide the repository with an easily navigable structure often representing an institutions organizational makeup. This module will begin by describing what both a community and collection are and how they relate to each other. The module will then look at example structures that are often used within DSpace repositories, finally concluding with a practical exercise on creating a sample repository structure. This module will make reference to the repository structure, but does not cover aspects such as items or metadata. Further information on items can be found in the module 'An introduction to Items in DSpace'. Further information on metadata can be found in the module 'An introduction to metadata in DSpace'.